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Being a restaurant owner means staying on your toes and ensuring that everything functions smoothly. Now, with the dine-out EP, simmers got a chance to jump into the owner’s shoes and learn to manage the staff, customers and deliver high-quality food.
However, doing all of this alone can become burdensome. But, worry no more as we have curated the list of sims 4 perk points cheat or dine-out cheats for the restaurant owner in TS4 to earn rewards and sail smooth!
Sims 4 Perk Points
Wondering what perk points are? These are the points you earn when you provide excellent service, and customers end up being satisfied and happy! With these PP, you can buy retail perks like an additional waiter, customers who are always curious, the humble tip payers, etc.
Sims 4 dine out cheats
There are two ways for receiving the retail perks; one is by doing basic things like greeting guests well, booking the tables for them, and making sure they leave the café with a smile. But getting the points through this manner can take up a lot of time. So, this is when we turn to restaurant perk cheats that help us get the benefits quickly.
Now, to enable the perk points cheats sims 4 dine in, make sure you turn the testingcheats on. All you have to do is press CTRL + SHIFT + C and type in “testingcheats true” to open the console. Then, add in the commands.

Sims 4 restaurant cheats
Let us have a look at the different restaurant perks cheats below and their original Perk points price:
- Curious customers (250) – bucks.unlock_perk RecommendDishSocial true
This would make your clients curious beings who would love to order anything recommended by the owner. So, you can use this opportunity to turn the odds into your favor and selling them the most expensive dish and making them happy.
- Additional water 1 (350) – bucks.unlock_perk AdditionalWaiter_1 true
This will allow you to have another waiter or unlock an additional server,, but we suggest you get a chef first. Now, another pair of hands would help you deal with customers quickly and make them seated.
- Ingredient quality (500) – bucks.unlock_perk IngredientQualityOptions true
Just as the name suggests, this reward lets you alter the qualities of ingredients to your preference. So, you can now have either top-notch ingredients or the ones that cost a penny.
- Meal rush (500) – bucks.unlock_perkMoreCustomers_true
A meal rush would flood your eatery with clients and money! You’ll see a rush of customers; hence you should be adept at handling them. A large staff is needed.
- Surplus harvest (500) – bucks.unlock_perkIngredientCostDiscount true
This will increase your harvest for 24 hours. A useful feature when you plan to open your eatery for long hours. Turn all of the time into profit!
- Patient patron (600) bucks.unlock_perkLengthenImpatienceTimeout_true
Who doesn’t like a bunch of patient folks? So, this reward will make your customers calm and patient. They would wait for their food patiently even if it gets late.
- Additional chef (750) – bucks.unlock_perkAdditionalChef true
When your eatery is buzzing with people wanting to taste delicious food, what do you think would be the greatest asset at that time? A new chef!
- Curiouser clients (750) – bucks.unlock_perkRecommendDishFrequency-true
Be in charge and control what dishes clients get to eat. They will take your recommendations in a blink of an eye and help you earn PP.
- Additional waiter 2 (900) – bucks.unlock_perk AdditionalWaiter_2 true
Get a third pair of hands for your assistance with the café work. It is, however, most efficient for bigger eateries.
- Inspirational speech (900) – bucks.unlock_perkInspirationalSpeechSocial_true
Do you know those cinematic moments where a coach gives his players the most heartwarming and inspiring speech? Well, you can do that too with your fellow staff members! Give a blockbuster speech and boost their confidence.
- Fast eaters (1250) – bucks.unlock_perkEatFaster true
This is quite expensive but worth it! Since clients take forever to finish their meal, getting this would ensure that they pay quickly and leave room for others.
- Lower cost of training (1500) – bucks.unlock_perkLowerEmployeeTrainingCost_true
Training your employees to be perfect in managing the eatery can drain a lot of your money. So, to save half of your money on training, get this reward!
- Ingredient discount 1 (1800) – bucks.unlock_perkCheaperIngredients_1 true
This would cut the cost of your ingredients by 20 percent! Amazing, right? It will help you save some cash and earn you profits by selling things at a higher price with low cooking costs.
- Well-funded foodies (1850) – bucks.unlock_perkExpensiveOrders_true
This feature is one of the most profitable on the list as it would make the characters order the costliest dish on the menu. Now, this would increase the source of your income.
- Tidy tippers (2000) – bucks.unlock_perk RiskFreeMarkup true
Sims will now tip you graciously! With this reward, you will receive an extra tip, and the more you purchase this add-on, the more the tips increase.
- Well managed (4500) – bucks.unlock_perkLowerChanceBadEvents_Small true
Simmers have a life outside of their restaurants too, and there can be days when they aren’t that active in their eatery. So, to avoid any mismanagement of events occurring, your sim can buy this and utilize it in their favor.
- The chef’s hat (5000) – bucks.unlock_perk ChefsHat_true
This isn’t the most useful add-on. All this would do is append a new hat for your chef to flaunt. So, no profits or losses.
You can cheat perk points by typing in the perk cc in the cheating console (steps to enable it is mentioned above.)
You get unlimited perk points by adding the cheat codes in the cheat console after enabling testingcheats true.
You get PP in sims 4 vet by getting your hands on the cats and dogs EP and then adding various ccs in the console. Now, to check if your hack worked, hover on the basket icon, and you’ll see a pop-up that says you’ve already purchased this item.
The cheat to get the business perks in sims 4 is by first getting the Get to work EP; then, there are several ccs that you can use to expand your business. For example: Use “bucks.unlock_perk RestockSpeed_Small true” for Faster Restocking.
Yes, there is a cheat for perk points in S 4. In fact, there are several cheats that simmers can opt for expanding their business. So, you can have cheat codes for getting a bunch of new waiters, chefs and rich customers through perk points!
These are all the Sims 4 perk points cheats for the sims 4 dine-out expansion. So, cut yourself some slack and choose an alternative to earn some simoleons quickly.
Happy simming!
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